Thank You List
Like every writer, I have a long list of people and organizations to thank for their support and encouragement.
Over the last few years, my list has exploded.
Over the last few years, my list has exploded.
Kids' Choice Kidlit Writing Contest
2024 - The kids voted and NORM'S LAST STRAW was chosen as a top 10 finalist. Thank you to Kailei Pew and the kid judges! WriteMentor 2021 - Novel in Development Award - My current WIP, A TREE GROWS HERE, was chosen as a Readers' Favourite . Pitch Wars 2020 - Darlene Campos selected my manuscript, OLIVER JOLT IS NOT A YOUTUBE STAR for the 2020-21 Pitch Wars contest. 2017 - Kate Foster gave me what I call a silver medal in the Pitch Wars contest, selecting my manuscript BRIAN ON DECK as an unofficial project. Nightmare on Query Street 2017 - Selected as a mentee for the Nightmare on Query Street contest, I worked with the wonderful Sarah Janian. |
Associations / Conferences